Monday, February 18, 2008

Fundraising 101

This year has been an education about fundraising. At first my approach was that this was a neccessary evil in order for some of our team members to be able to make the trip. But as we are about to have a Dinner and Auction this Sunday, I've discovered that the process that we began back in August has useful in ways other than just raising money. We've learned some important things about each other that we may not have found out until we got to Kenya. We've learned about our different personalities and how to adjust to one another in order to reach the desired goal. We've learned that we need to listen to each other even though we know that our idea is better. We've learned to laugh with each other. We've learned that we are different, but yet we can work together for God's Kingdom; that each of us have strength and weaknesses. I think we've been able to open up a little to one another and talk of our joys and our disappointments. I'm sure I drive some people crazy, but they have shown me God's grace to let me be who I am. Sometimes you don't find that out until you have to work together in a close situation.

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