Friday, August 8, 2008

Nairobi airport

We are at the Nairobi airport waiting for our flight out to London. We had a great time since we last wrote. Our group and the interns went out to eat at the Carnivoire (not sure of the spelling). It's an experience to say the least. Today we went shopping at the Village Market. We all bargained for what we bought and that was different for those who had never done that. Needless to say we helped the Kenyan economy. Afterwards, we went to the New Hope Baby Home. They take abanded babies that have HIV and take care of them until they can be adopted, have foster care, or reach the age of 3. Then they would go to an orphanage. It takes a while to navigate your way around the city, but our driver, Martin, was the best. We are looking forwarded to being home. We've had a couple of spills, as Naomi fell on her tail bone and it's sore, and Linn fell at the Grace Guest House and skinned her chin and neck and hands. Hopefully the flights will not be too uncomfortable for them. Keep them in your prayers.

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