Naomi and I spent the weekend in Dallas. We had heard about the Go.Be.Do. Buckner missions converence (http://www.buckner.org/gobedoconference/), but had decided not to go. But we heard that Dickson Masindano was going to be there to present. We knew that it would be good if we met with him concerning the trip. So, we contacted Julie Schiefer, our Buckner trip representative, and she set up a lunch date with Dickson, Scott Collins, herself, and ourselves. It was time well spent. We were able to go over a number of details that would have been hard to for us to go over had we not met face to face. Additionally, we were able to renew our acquaintence with him and to see what a joy it will be to work with him. Also, it was great to meet Julie. We will be working closely with Julie as the trip date nears and on the trip itself.
And, of course, it's always good to see Scott again. This is also probably the busiest week of the year for Scott, but he took time to be with us. You see, not only was the mission's conference on Saturday, but the annual Founder's Day banquet and a quarterly trustees meeting on Friday. We got to see Dickson present at the mission's conference and see him singled out for his work in Kitale at the Founder's Day banquet. I hope to be able to show video on that later.

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