We left the Grace Guest House with Tom (Kenya Buckner staff) and Julie and drove to the Wilson airport to fly out to Kitale. While we were waiting, we met up with Phil Brinkmeyer (Buckner staff from Dallas) and Dickson Masindon (we've blogged about him previously). We caught our plane which held about 35 people and headed to Kitale. At the Kitale airport we were greeted by Rose (Kenya Buckner staff in charge of foster children). Around the airport we noticed how high the corn was. The Kenyan staff proudly told us that this area pretty much fed the whole country with corn from here. We headed to the hotel, but got a second surprise of the trip. For the first night we would stay at the Mid Africa Hotel instead of the Kitale Club. We unpacked, ate, and headed to the Seed of Hope. We found out why we would be eating lunch there this week as it was pretty far out of town and out dirt/mud roads.

This was our first time to see Kitale, and so we soaked it all in. Many noticed how many people walked along the roads and how many rode bicycles. Martin, our driver, was good in manuevering around them. When we first got to Seed of Hope, the children noticed us immediately. It took a while for each of us to warm up to each other, but whenever Shelly went down the slide, the kids immediately followed and the ice was broken. Rose gave us a tour of the houses where the children lived and medical team soon checked out the clinic, meeting the nurse and the lab technician. They made plans on what rooms they would use and how they would work their process in seeing patients. In the meantime, the VBS team checked the houses and where they could do inside activities and the outdoor grounds for outside activities. We all had a great time, but knew that tomorrow would be a busy day for both teams. We headed back to the hotel to eat supper and for rest. It having a bar, it closed late and some of us were too close to the lobby and were awakened when people left or went to their rooms. We were able to get back to sleep knowing the morning would be here soon enough.
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