Today being Sunday, it's appropriate to talk about the Sunday 2 weeks ago. The day before had been a very busy day for all, and now we all got up (some of us didn't get as much sleep as we wanted) and headed back to the Seed of Hope. But first we attended a church nearby the Seed of Hope, one that the children attended. It was the Ecclesia church. When we got there we were ushered to the front, to a place of prominence. We got pews that were padded and covered. The service began and the children came up front with the song leader and youth pastor and led in worship for about an hour. They sang and danced. It was tremendous. If any of us were dragging, this level of energy raised us up. Rose got up and introduced us, but let us all say our own name since a lot of ours were "too difficult to pronounce". They had a visiting pastor and he preached for quite some time. Fortunately we got to sit down for that part. He preached in English and had a translater who translated in Swahili.
After the service we gatthered about and visited while the older boys and their men leaders engaged in a volleyball game. We then headed to the Seed of Hope for lunch and then an unstructered time with the children. We had football games and relay races going on. The children really enjoyed the relay races and the interns got their level of excitement up to a high level. They all had a great time! But agai

n, it rained in the late afternoon and everyone scooted inside. Terry and I were able to sit and talk with the visiting pastor for quite some time and found out that he had been quite the football player in his younger days. When the time came for us to leave, it was decided that the road was too muddy for our van and so we walked out of the Seed of Hope and up to the Ecclesia church in order to get to the van and back to the Kitale Club, our hotel.
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