I hope to describe our trip in the next few entries starting with our trip to get there. Most had been involved for more than a year, now we were ready to go. Needless to say, most were at the church a lot earlier than the posted timed to meet. We loaded the church bus and had a good number see us off. We had a circle of prayer with our pastor, Bob Webb, leading us. It was an excited group, even though the Lewis' were getting over illnesses and Shelly Dykes was not feeling too well. Our driver, John Dye, did a good job of getting us there. As we went up to the counter to check in, Laura Dye, who had come with her father, offered up a prayer that our flight go smoothly. Early on, our prayers were answered as we expected to have to pay for an overweight bag containing medicine, but learned at the counter that since we were going to be connecting with British Airways in Chicago, the limit was to be 70 pounds for checked in bags instead of 50 pounds.
Our trips to Chicago, London, and Nairobi went smoothly, but were long. We met Julie, our mission coodinator, at the gate in London. Customs at Nairobi was a lengthy process, but finally we were out and we met a Kenya Buckner staff member, Tom. Tom was to be with us practically the whole trip. More about him in a later entry. We got a first lesson in being flexible, as we found out we were staying at the Grace Guest House instead of the Methodist Guest House. Once we got to the Grace Guest House, we learned that our luggage, with the exception of what we were going to carry onto the small plane the next morning, needed to be loaded and start heading to Kitale by land. So the picture in this entry is of us rearranging our suitcases in the parking lot of the Grace Guest House.
1 comment:
thanks so much for posting this! i had no idea about the blog until after the trip, but at least i can see the pictures now and read about your adventures!
- amber in poland
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